সোমবার, ২৪ জুন, ২০১৩

NBC's Gregory: Why shouldn't Greenwald be charged?

WASHINGTON (AP) ? NBC "Meet the Press" host David Gregory got a rise out of Glenn Greenwald by asking the Guardian reporter why he shouldn't be charged with a crime for having "aided and abetted" former National Security Agency analyst Edward Snowden.

Greenwald replied Sunday that it was "pretty extraordinary" that someone who calls himself a journalist would ask whether other journalists should be charged with felonies.

Gregory said that the question of who is a journalist may be "up to a debate" with regard to Greenwald. The host added that he was asking a question, not taking a position.

Greenwald broke the story of Snowden's disclosure of U.S. government surveillance programs. Snowden was believed to have landed in Russia on Sunday ? possibly as a stopover before traveling to South America.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/nbcs-gregory-why-shouldnt-greenwald-charged-170757003.html

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