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44 things the 44th president should say in his inaugural speech

To mark the 44th president's second inauguration on Monday, Yahoo compiled 44 things that contributors and readers want to hear in Barack Obama's inaugural speech -- each in 44 words or less. What do you think President Obama should say in his address? Leave your thoughts in the comments field.

Hopes for a better economy, and a plan for our debt

* President Obama's inauguration speech should include the announcement of a nationwide mandatory increase in minimum wage to $12 per hour. All citizens should live with dignity, pay for their own food, medical insurance, stay debt free, take a vacation and enjoy a savings account. -- David Yetty

* I'd like the president to make a statement about where he plans to take the economy in the next four years. No waffling; just a plainspoken prescription for how to repair what's clearly broken. -- Charles Ray

* I want President Obama to say that Social Security will continue to support our nation's seniors. With faith in our government, we paid into the fund throughout our working years and deserve fair return on our investment. -- Ted Sherman

* As a future college graduate, I am worried about the amount of jobs available for college graduates. Although Obama says a college education is valued, college graduates cannot find jobs. College students would be pleased to have this issue recognized by President Obama. -- Patrick Salkeld

* I would like President Obama to focus on the number one issue facing our country today - the lack of jobs - and describe in detail what he will do to create more jobs. -- Lyn Brooks

* The numbers astonish me. Billions; no, trillions in debt. Reduced credit ratings and downgrades for our country. Please tell me how this happened to the greatest nation in the world. Tell me why our children have become responsible for rebuilding our financial stature. -- Robert Van Norden

* I would like to hear the president address the loss of industrial and manufacturing jobs. My small community has been hit hard with plant closings. I think our president would have some influence on policy in this area of the economy. -- M.B. Ellsworth

* I desperately want to hear that Obama's plans include diverting money back into our own country to end homelessness, improve medical research, schools and re-establishing this country as the great nation it once was. We need to fix ourselves before fixing anyone else. -- Scarlett Hill

*I hope President Obama asks Congress to reduce our military budget and increase domestic spending. We don't own the world; we shouldn't try to control it. We need fewer wars and more jobs. We need to rebuild our infrastructure and develop green energy. -- Dave Mallisk

* Regarding the national debt, he should remember the words of founding father Alexander Hamilton to Revolutionary War financier Robert Morris: "A national debt, if it is not excessive, will be to us a national blessing." In 2013, it is excessive, and a national calamity. -- Patrick Hattman

* I'd like President Obama to discuss the deteriorating economic conditions at the inauguration. Work on civil liberties more and promise to stop signing executive orders, Obama! And tell us we're pulling out of the Middle East for good. -- Justin Steckbauer

* The federal deficit is at an all time high. When President Obama takes the stage for his inauguration, his focus needs to be reducing the deficit without hurting the momentum of America's confidence to spend by keeping low taxes and lowering government spending. -- Matthew Willson

* My dad always said that money doesn't grow on trees; maybe nobody in the federal government ever heard these words. If President Obama would tell the American people that you can't spend what you don't have, most Americans would agree. -- Sandy Wallace

Hopes for bi-partisanship and uniting the country

* Mr. President, I would love for you to make an attempt to bring this divided country together. Hopefully this will lead to Democrats and Republicans working as one to pass meaningful legislation that could lead to a more prosperous future for our country. -- Chris Reiners

* You've led America through war and economic disaster, but the internal strife remains. Your presidential inauguration will celebrate our citizen's mandate for another four years. You will have the world's attention. Tell us how you will heal and unite America during your next term. -- Carol Rucker

* I want Obama to say it's time we put reverence for country ahead of blind loyalty to political party affiliations -- as individuals, as families, as neighbors, as citizens. We have much to do to make life better for all who live here. -- Lane Olinghouse

* What I would like to hear Obama say is that he knows things have been hard, economically and socially, but we need to work together for progress. We need to stop fighting each other on small things and unite to tackle greater problems. -- Jordan Bass

* President Obama should explain why, during his administration, America has seen the most unproductive Congress in history. Because this Congress was so uncooperative, their actions should be explained so the American people understand why the economy seems to be in a state of inactivity. -- Markenzie Johnson

* Quite simply put, President Obama needs to let every American know it's in their best interests to avoid the fringes of public discourse and find common ground...oh and ignoring the Tea Party wouldn't hurt. -- James Schlarmann

* President Obama should announce that he will consider all sides of every issue before making decisions and include both parties' ideas. He will not use executive orders to pass his agenda without Congressional approval. He will adhere strictly to the Constitution. -- Raymond Bureau

* The president should unite the people and revive the economy. It is time for the investors to invest, and the workers to go back to work in the new businesses they develop. The constant mud-slinging contest must come to an end. -- Mathew Paul

* Mr. President, please remind us who we are. We are more than mere partisans. You said it so well once before, when you were still a fresh face in the crowd. There aren't red states or blue states. There is only the United States. -- Edward Prato

On gun control and curbing violence in America

* A promise for real gun control should be a part of the speech. Our constitution guarantees us the right to bear arms. But shouldn't U.S citizens have the right to live without fear of being harmed by those guns? -- Jocelyn Fredrics

* With events like the killing of Trayvon Martin, the theater shooting in Colorado and the tragedy at Sandy Hook, we must find a way out of the violence that keeps taking our children. President Obama needs to address society coming together to create change. -- Michael Snow

* I would like President Obama to say semi-automatic weapons and handguns are banned and single shot rifles will be allowed for hunters. Also, if you make more than $200,000 a year, your taxes will rise. Additionally, he will close our borders and prosecute offenders. -- Steve Nubie

* I would like to hear what Obama has to say about the restrictions of guns. Not because I own one, but for the simple fact it affects everyone. Whether you're a parent, gun collector or hunter, this will affect you. -- Ashley Branch

* The president must address the issue of the outbreaks of violence that have plagued our society recently. I believe the president should come up with creative and effective ways of protecting our children and society in general; something more than just gun bans. -- Rainbow Lewis

* I want Obama to say he will not allow more innocents to be harmed because our country failed to act at a pivotal time in our history. We can protect the Second Amendment and limit assault weapons that threaten the lives of thousands. -- Gioia Degenaars

* Addressing gun violence is critical because gun violence destroys America's future. FBI statistics (2011) show guns killed 565 young people under age 18 and 119 of those victims were under age 12. Our nation should protect children from tragic deaths through gun control. -- Anne Cagle

* In his inaugural address, I would like President Obama to reiterate his commitment to reasonable gun control that will also protect our right to bear arms. This will not solve the problem of gun violence but may prevent another Newtown school massacre. -- Stewart Lodge

Interest in renewed education reform, spending

* As of last year the average college senior graduated with approximately $27,000 worth of debt, and the number continues to rise year after year. I hope President Obama will address this growing issue in his upcoming inaugural address and provide a plan of action. -- Ryan Kekoufski

* As the country looks forward, Mr. Obama needs to address the irrational spending cuts in education. The teaching profession has been heinously overlooked and remains under-appreciated. The future rests on the shoulders of our children. -- Kevin Kreusch

* President Obama can stamp his legacy on the nation by addressing our educational issues in a meaningful way during his second term, and it's time to unveil his game plan. Re-establishing the quality of our schools is the foundation to fixing our other problems. -- Adam Hughes

* Please work for the children. Think of their hopes, their dreams and their potential. Help us work together to build the foundation for their future by creating educational opportunities, strong family foundations, and world peace. Work for our children. Leave a legacy of love. -- Jennifer Wolfe

Regarding the Constitution

* I'd love to hear President Obama challenge Americans to read our Constitution, to research our states' laws, and to become politically active even though the election is over. "For the people, by the people" only works if the people are in the know. -- Red Feldman

* If he wants millions of Americans to rest easy throughout his last term, President Obama would simply have to promise that our rights, as currently written in the Constitution, will be protected and defended - and make us believe it. -- Jackie McPherson

More hopes for the speech

* I would like for President Obama to address what he plans to do for all the soldiers who are returning from overseas. I would love to hear him thank all of those who have served and make it easier for them to obtain help. -- K.D. Storm

* Obama campaigned on the idea that we're all in this together, as Americans. I'd like him to remind everyone that LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) Americans matter too, and that he'll work to secure our right to marry and protect us from violence. -- Jared Spurbeck

* The issue of mental illness often draws attention when mass shootings take place, whether or not the perpetrator had a psychiatric disorder. I would like President Obama to address the stigmatization and high unemployment rate of people who have psychiatric disorders. -- Michele Darien

* My wish is that President Obama will grant everyone free dental care. The comfort of knowing our teeth will be a part of our life without the worry of an extra medical bill will indeed grant each and every American the right to smile. -- Alfonso Coley

* President Obama has that once-in-a-lifetime moment most of us never get: the opportunity to lead. We face great problems -- gun violence, deficit, hyper partisanship. He can stand firm, and instead of promises alone, show us what he will do to lead. -- Phil Cole

* As a 20-something sports fan, I was excited to hear Obama proclaim that College Football's BCS format needs to change. Sure enough, during his presidency, it collapsed. I would love if our commander-in-chief said that Major League Baseball needs better instant replay. -- Richard Moser

* It is important for President Obama to address the Native American community and the issues they face in his inaugural address. He needs to offer reassurance that the work done in the previous term will continue into his second term as president. -- Colton T Nelson

* Show us that we've learned from history, and take off the rear-view mirror. Then tell the people it's time for them to do the same. I want him to look forward over these next four years, and not dwell on the past. -- Jerry Landry

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/44-hopes-obamas-second-inaugural-address-204200084.html

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